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For members Only.
Nov 3rd guided walk, Wall Farm postponed. Members will be informed when new arrangements have been made.
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Highlights Autumn 2024
Working with St Peters Primary
We currently beginning our winter program with our local primary school, St Peters. We are planning to repeat our very successful work with the reception class that we carried out last year.
Groups of children will be looking at the biodiversity in the school grounds and wildlife area. We will be setting up trail cameras to find out which animals are living/visiting and using live mammal traps to take a closer look at some of the inhabitants.
The group is also planning to take a visit to establish what work is required for our continuing maintenance of the school wildlife area.
We will also be working with children of other ages to create a more complete picture of the school's biodiversity as part of their work as a Eco School.
Click HERE for the report on our Project with St Peters Primary School written by our junior ambassador, Flores.
Parish Council Supports EWG.
Big thanks to the The Parish Council who have provided a grant to help EWG purchase the materials for a new bench for the Church Field
Church Field Autumn Action
Our meadow proved a bit more of a problem this year! The weather for cutting and drying was abysmal but the team pulled though with some help of Chris Ruffley from Harper Adams University. Chris turned up with some serious kit, courtesy of the University and the hay was turned, for at least a partial dry in some very damp conditions. It was pushed into rows for our amazing volunteers to drag up on sheets for collection.
As always Neil Furniss was on hand to collect the hay and take it away.
This was a truly community event this year and we thank everybody for their help.